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Appendices 13 and 14

Appendices 13 and 14 of the book Chemistry, 4th Edition are provided below in Adobe Acrobat format.

To save the appendices to your computer, right-click (Mac users: click and hold mouse button) on each file below and choose 'Save As'.

Appendix 13: Trivial names still in common use for selected inorganic and organic compounds, inorganic ions and organic substituents

Appendix 14: Some regular polyhedra

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Mathematics tutor

The aim of the mathematics tutor is to ensure you have a good grounding in some essential mathematical skills needed for studying your chemistry course. While the book Chemistry, 4th Edition assumes minimal mathematics, some area such as kinetics and thermodynamics cannot be introduced without the need for mathematical rigour. This mathematics tutor should help you consolidate or revise your skills.

Mathematics tutor

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Interactive periodic table

Chemsoc, Chemistry Societies Network, is a well-produced, valuable resource for students of chemistry and professional chemists. Check out their interactive periodic table.

Another useful interactive periodic table that is referred to within the book is Mark Winter's Web Elements.

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