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Appendices 13 and 14 of the book Chemistry, 4th Edition are provided below in Adobe Acrobat format.
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The aim of the mathematics tutor is to ensure you have a good grounding in some essential mathematical skills needed for studying your chemistry course. While the book Chemistry, 4th Edition assumes minimal mathematics, some area such as kinetics and thermodynamics cannot be introduced without the need for mathematical rigour. This mathematics tutor should help you consolidate or revise your skills.
Chemsoc, Chemistry Societies Network, is a well-produced, valuable resource for students of chemistry and professional chemists. Check out their interactive periodic table.
Another useful interactive periodic table that is referred to within the book is Mark Winter's Web Elements.
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These are links to external websites over which Pearson Education has no control. Pearson Education cannot be held responsible for any content within the websites.
All links provided below were active on website launch. However, due to the dynamic nature of the Internet, links do occasionally become inactive. If you find a link that has become inactive, please try using a search engine to locate the website in question.
The Molecules of Life is an interactive introduction to the techniques used in the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at Oxford.
This is an excllent site which includes a collection of interactive virtual experiments, a quiz on VSEPR theory, structures of inorganic solids, interactive organic mechanisms, and much more.
An excellent site with hundreds of links – an absolute 'must visit'.
This excellent site has selected, classic papers from the history of chemistry, including many which were seminal papers in their fields in their time.
A site which features a new molecule every month, featuring historical, chemical and pharmacological background information.
A collection topical molecules with background and structural information for each one.
This is an interactive site that gives you an opportunity to test your knowledge of 'curly arrow' mechanistics.
Besides being ainternational sourec of structural data on proteins, the PDB has a Molecule of the Month with structural and other information.
A very useful site with tutorials on a range of basic topics. There is also an 'Exam Survival Guide'.
This site contains much information about plastics with features on recycling.
The IUPAC online compendium of chemical technology is an excellent source of information for definitions of chemical terms.
The site you should visit for help with naming organic compounds.
A site with selected chemical case studies, including alcohol, NutraSweet (the artificial sweetener), silicones, nuclear chemistry, cisplatin, and new refrigerants.
An excellent site introducing cell biology, with relevance to Chapter 35 of Chemistry. Includes animations dealing with amino acids, proteins, RNA and DNA.